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Press quotes in English


"Maria de Fátima is a genuine protector of the heritage of Amália Rodrigues" (De Volkskrant)

"What a voice ! What a powerful persuasiveness. No fashionable design-fado can compete with this... this is the real thing!" (Het Parool)

"The best Fado-album of the year " (Worldmusic-magazine Heaven)

"The purest Fado-record ever made in the Netherlands" (Worldmusic magazine MIXED)

"A heartwarming musical experience ... makes the autumn even more beautiful" (Plato Mania)

"Warm and full of passion" (Haarlems Dagblad)


"A Fado weapon in the Netherlands" Público, december 2016

Read the whole article ONLINE

Maria de Fátima- Stella Maris

Fado phenomenon Maria de Fátima has been singing since she's 10 years old and performed side by side with the greatest. 35 years ago, she emigrated to Amsterdam. When she enters the stage, you can immediately feel that world-class. She's currently on tour with the Pavadita Tango String Quartet: the bond between Tango and Fado is obvious. Listen to the beginning of Stella Maris or Cuidei que tinha morrido. Goose bumps from the a cappella beginning, excitement when the strings join in. Don't miss it!!


De Telegraaf 2016

“Fado doesn't take away your pain but respects it”


I'm afraid of pain just like anybody. But I don't talk about it, I place

my sorrow into my Fado. When i'm singing it feels like i'm opening

up the box where i've put all painful things. Recently, when a dear friend of mine passed away, I didn't cancel my performance that

same night- if I had stayed home it would've been much harder to bear. By singing, even with tears in my eyes, my soul gets lighter.

Fado comes from the Latin word fatum, destiny. Sad things are a

part of life. When I sing about a broken heart, unrequited love,

dear ones that have passed away, I feel that mix of emotions that

we call saudade: the longing for something that won't come back.

It helps me, but also my audience, to feel the sorrow and longing.

It's not that their pain vanishes but it softens. In Fado, sorrow gets recognition.

Once I was totally overwhelmed by emotions. My mother had just passed away and I couldn't shed a tear during the whole funeral-

it felt as if I wasn't there. The day after, we were performing at an

old peoples home en there was this woman standing in front of

me- a kind woman that was suffering from Alzheimer just like my mum. I was going to start a song by Amália Rodrigues “I said

goodbye to you and died”- but I couldn't. All I did was cry and so

did everybody around. Music can help to unleash your sorrow.


Psychologie Magazine, NL, nov 2015





It can be claimed that Maria de Fátima

made Fado popular in the Netherlands.

She introduced Fado to the country in

1981; she laid down the foundation for

the deep respect of that vocal art. Later,

other Portuguese singers would follow

but she was definitely the first...



Magazine Blik op Portugal 2014

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